Monday, November 10, 2008

Why Do People Blog?

It is said, first there was a word and from it the world was bornIn the modern era, first there was the Internet and in that Blogs galore were born is more apt.A blog is the evolved version of a personal diary. Its a space where in a person can write anything, personal thoughts, articles, infotainment, general rambling or even venting out their frustrations at large.With no set format and the freedom to express, the blogger can use the written word in any manner they so choose.Blogging has become a booming new internet phenomenon for the writing community for many reasons. First of all, by definition, it offers writers freedom of speech in a published format for any viewer to read. Any thought, any emotion, any artistic piece can be posted within minutes giving a writer an immediate sense of gratification for their work.A blog promotes a sense that one's words are valuable and meaningful to viewers who often become loyal readers of some bloggers sites.Then there is also a financial angel to it. Especially if a blog attracts eyeballs, it also attracts advertisers willing to pay per click on their banners. Often blogging site offer it's blogger a percentage of this ad revenue.Blogs are a boon for people aspiring to take up serious writing in the future. They help such aspirants gain confidence in their writing skills. Consistent reader interest or viewer traffic to any page is like a proof of concept, an indication of the works potential.It is one thing to sit diligently, in solitude, typing away with perseverance and dedication, one's treasured novel or poem, believing one's work is great, but it is another when readers, people one does not know, actually take the time to read one's work, come back and read the posts regularly, and even take the time to leave a comment.This can do wonders for a writer's belief in their self and their dreams.Beyond the serious writers, a blogging site also offers a platform for people who just want to express their "voice". People who are passionate about something as use the blogs as a tool to get their message across the world.And finally, blogs with their infinite reach are a favourite as a free advertising vehicle. If you have something you are trying to promote on a limited budget, what better way to achieve this than to write a post. This instant reach does not cost the marketers a single penny!So, whatever be your trip in life, it pays to have a blog

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